Official Clean up Namibia 2018 Visuals Promo For Omaheke Region

Here is a treat to the The new Clean up Namibia Campaign advert.
Mind you, some visuals are from other different sources. Audio compliments of One Blood.

Recently, musician Eric Sell, known as Ees, implored government to dedicate this yearā€™s Independence Day to cleaning up the country, a suggestion that was turned down. Geingob reacted that the message on Sellā€™s viral video was not bad, but disagreed with his proposal to not celebrate Independence Day.

Geingob reacted that the message on Sellā€™s viral video was not bad, but disagreed with his proposal to not celebrate Independence Day.

In a bid to reclaim Windhoekā€™s status as the cleanest city in Africa, President Geingob last October revealed his intentions to set aside a day on which all Namibians will be called on to roll up their sleeves and engage in a nationwide cleanup campaign. In so doing, he said, Namibia will not only reclaim the title of having the cleanest capital in Africa, but will go a step further to become the cleanest country in Africa.

Well in Towns like Gobabis and Mariental, Their clean up campaigns are already under preparations as they already start cleaning five days before the official launch date. 

Watch for yourself below...


Kunene Region

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