Catty Catt -Letter From my heart - Lyrics download + NAMTV TRIBUTE

Get the Lyrics from Catty Catt's hit single Letter from My heart, from Catt's first LP ''Independence Avenue''.

We received this from Catt himself and we've uploaded it sometime back IN 2013, but than decided to put it up again, cause this side Catt's rap skills was never really been televised. Well download the full PDF File. It can be printed can be used as a Poster cause it has a cool full Resolution of 1748x2480 Pixels.


Don't forget to watch the full Catty Catt interview below..

Once again if you did not know

Curtis is famous for his 061 Music clothing brand, and for  the song theme "Windhoek Stand Up''. He's also one of our early pioneers in our yet to mature Hip Hop and urban Music scene in Namibia. In the interview below, Lazpak and Cashley of Cyberspace got a chance to interview the Hip Hop star just after dropping his first and long awaited Album ''Independence day'' back in 011. He talks about introducing many other well famed Hip Hop artists and also goes deep as he expresses himself on the Local Namibian Industry and its shortfalls. Well our video has some voice distortions, but do listen. 

From the Lazpak Blog TV 

A Tribute from NAM TV


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