Polytechnic Innovators workshop - A success, Forms Marketing Society of Namibia

ā€œMarketing innovations are aimed at better understanding and addressing customer needs, opening up new markets or new repositioning of the firms products on the market with an objective of increasing the firms sales''. Theses were the remarks from Poly Rector, Tjivikua as he officially opens the Innovators workshop on the 9th September at Furstenhoff Windhoek.
The one day event attended by former Swatch CEO Hans-JĆ¼rg SchƤr shared his experience heading the Company Swatch. Other top Namibian companies also gathered to share ideas and theories on best practices to enhance the operations of any marketing department in any given company that aims to grow and improve sales.

The one day gathering concluded with the establishment of a Marketing society of Namibia, with the primary goal of creating a platform where marketers share ideas in the field marketing communication and to introduce and provide resources that will support the Company's communication endeavours

The Full video insert will be uploaded in our Checko TV Series.


The Polytechnic of Namibia is transforming to a New name, ''The Namibian University of Science and Technology''. In our next Checko TV series we focus on its past and present achievements and also get an insight of what the Future holds for one of most prestige academic institutes in Namibia.

Check the pictures below.
lazpak's Workshops album on Photobucket


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