Yeah true love exists

have you actually woken up one day and realised that the woman that you've always thought of was the one for you?..Time passes by without knowing who you want to share your life,not only because you have a requirement for that particular individual..Some of usNiggaz rather be players and some of us want a Woman that has the same resemblance of your close friend,or some of us want Woman who are independent,Got a sexually attractive butt and moreover has the "mula"...and the ladies want quite the same as well..To me i believe you find love everywehere you go,its either you look at it with a blind eye because unfortuntely she or he dont have the above requirements.
Personally i don't have problems with finding the right person for me,because at the end of the day,it's not about what,how,where,when and shit like that but about your sensual healing. The way this person takes your breath away,the way you understand what this person is made of and how you live an easy love life without no prejudice and moreover no forced loved.
I am a grown ass man now and i believe we should get away from being players and all that shit,and find that right woman we've always wanted,that's if you really ever wanted her,we should stop hoping to get the right one start going out and looking for that special one they are all around us waiting to be blossomed and embraced kissed and hugged also to be told how special they are and also be shown the true nature of a love feeling...
I am not saying this because i want to impress,it's because i was a player once,I've dated women that truly loved me and I am grateful for that,but the questioned that remained were,do i really want her?,do i want to share my life with her?,is she really the woman for me?you , those were the questions I've always asked my self, i couldn't actually answer any of them,which actually gave me an impression i didn't love this women ..That's actually what we need to ask ourselves,because at the end of the day its not worth it to act like you do but you don't.....But when you know this is one is the right one for you,the questions answer themselves before they can actually reach your mind state...